Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Kickstarter Spotlight - That Which Sleeps

That Which Sleeps is probably best described as the antithesis of the Civilization series.

The two may look similar at first glance, but rather than slowly guiding a fledgling society towards enlightenment through unseen omnipotence as would be the case in one of Sid Meir's classics, That Which Sleeps instead casts you in the role of, to use the pitch's words "an extremely powerful demon that has been sealed away from the world for generations".  The thrust of the gameplay is purported to involve using mortal proxies to spread suffering and unrest throughout the world while you gather strength for your glorious, apocalyptic return. So no Godzilla-style city destroying rampages, then.

A considerable Lovecraftian influence looms heavy over both the concept and presentation here; one of the Old Ones (a semi-borrowed term in of itself) shown in the pitch, Azlan, is a scandalously obvious Cthulhu rip-off. Here's hoping a little more love and originality are lavished on the game's aesthetic before release

In any case, the concept underpinning That Which Sleeps is certainly an intriguing one. The base game has already been funded successfully on Kickstarter, but some stretch goals remain. If you're feeling in a philanthropic mood, or are just plain curious, check it out here.

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